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Alat Koagulasi Analis Full Automatic 2 Channel

koagulasi Analis full automatic

Alat Koagulasi Analis full automatic ini merupakan alat laboratorium yang digunakan untuk analisis koagulasi (pembekuan, penggumpalan darah), sangat cocok untuk laboratorium kesehatan di rumah sakit baik pemerintah maupun swasta, laboratorium medis, lab kesehatan kerja dan lain-lain. Alat koagulasi ini dapat memeriksa secara klinis penyebab terjadinya pembekuan darah atau pengumpalan darah (hemostasis). Anda mau beli koagulasi analis full automatic ini, silahkan cek secara teliti detail spesifikasi dari alat koagulasi analis full automatic ini. Perusahaan penyedia alat laboratorium kami jual alat koagulasi analis full automatic ini dalam kondisi baru. Terima kasih telah berkunjung di website toko alat lab kami dan selamat berbelanja.

Spesifikasi Produk:
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Kode :
(kode stok internal, bukan kode produk)
Jenis :Coagulation Analyzer Full Automatic Stand-Alone Modular Extendable Analyzer
Type :CoaLAB 1000
Kemenkes :Teregristrasi
Available Test :
  • PT
  • aPTT
  • FIB
  • Thrombin Time
  • PT/FIB
  • Batroxobin Time
  • Protein C&S
  • Ecarin Test Factors (II-XII)
  • Factor V Leiden
  • PiCT (prothrombinase incuded clotting test)
  • D-Dimer
  • CRP (C-Reactive Protein)
  • TDT (thrombin dynamics test)
  • TAFI (thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor)
Measuring Principle :Photometric : with magnetic stirrers to homogenize the test mixture and increase the sensitivity.
2 channel LED photometer (405/570/470nm) with 2 reference channels
Measuring Unit :Controlled at 37.4°C +/-0.4°C
2-measuring channels and reference channels
Test Volume :32 cuvette ring rotor for single use
Total min. 150μl max. 300μl
Sample/Reagent Platform :2x11 sample positions, 15 reagent positions (3x15ml, 12x5ml), 2 stirred, 3 STAT positions, 1 wash station
Sampling :Capacitive pipetting device, moves in 3 directions
Pipettor heated at 37°C
Dilutor, 2-250μg (precise in 1μg steps)
Display :Touch sensitive color display, On-board graphic user software
Interfaces :2x RS232C, 2x USB, LAN &ChipCARD reader
External Connection :External USB printer connectable, External Barcode Scanner connectable, PC communication
Dimensions :
(bukan untuk spesifikasi tender)
75 x 58 x 50 cm
Weight :25.0 kg
Power Consumption :110/240V, 50/60 Hz
Harga :Hubungi Kami

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