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Jual AED Portable Alat Kejut Listrik Untuk Pacu Jantung (AED G3 Pro)

Alat Kejut Listrik Untuk Pacu Jantung (AED G3 Pro)

Alat Kejut Listrik Untuk Pacu Jantung (AED G3 Pro)

grosir aed g3 pro dimana beli alat pacu jantung toko alat pacu jantung darurat agen alat pacu jantung murah

Alat Pacu Jantung (AED G3 Pro) adalah salah satu perangkat portable kejutan listrik melalui dada ke jantung yang dapat menghentikan ritme yang tidak beraturan atau irregular dan diharapkan mampu mengembalikan irama normal jantung pada kasus serangan jantung mendadak. Penurunan tiba-tiba dari fungsi jantung jika tidak ditangani dalam beberapa menit, dapat dengan cepat menyebabkan kematian, alat ini dapat membantu memberikan kejutan elektrik pada jantung yang tidak normal.

Spesifikasi Produk :
(harga dan spesifikasi dapat berubah tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu demi penyempurnaan produk)
(dilarang memakai spesifikasi berikut untuk tender/pengadaan tanpa konsultasi/konfirmasi kepada toko kami)

Kode SKU :
(kode stok internal, bukan kode produk)
Depkes :Teregristrasi
Features Include :
  • Readiness: Rescue Ready® technology that self-checks all main AED components (battery, hardware, software, and pads) daily. The AED completes a partial charge of the high-voltage electronics weekly, and a full charge monthly.
  • Ease of Use: A color ECG displays the victim’s heart rate, waveform, number of shocks delivered, and the elapsed rescue time — exactly what emergency workers need to know. 
  • Advanced Technology: RescueCoachâ„¢ and CPR metronome functionality pace users through chest compressions. In addition, our proprietary STAR® biphasic technology calculates electrical impedance and escalates energy to deliver therapy at an appropriate higher level should a patient require a second shock
Operations :Semi-automatic with manual override
Waveform: :STAR® biphasic truncated exponential
Energy (J) range available:Escalating variable energy (VE) 95J to 351J
Protocols: 5 energy protocols available
Factory default (nominal): 200VE, 300VE, 300VE
Voice prompts :Clear, concise voice prompts guide user through the rescue
Visible indicators :Rescue Ready status indicator
Audible alerts :Voice prompt, system alert
Synchronized shock :Built-in automatic synchronization feature
Pacemaker pulse detection :Yes
Programmable :Yes, via MDLink®
Pediatric capability :Yes
Control buttons :Shock button and manual override
Display content :Displays written instructions to guide user through rescue process, SmartGauge battery status indicator, service indicator, pad indicator, text display, ECG display
Display specifications :3.5 in (8.9 cm) diagonal transreflective TFT display with 320 x 240 pixels (quarter VGA). Resolution is 113.5 dots/in (4.47 dots/mm)
Minimum combined surface area :35.3 sq in (228 cm²)
Extended length of lead wire :1.3 m (4.3 ft)
Supplied :Self-checking, pre-connected to the AED
Type :Adult, pre-gelled, self-adhesive, disposable, defibrillation pads
Shelf life :2 years
Type :9145 IntelliSense® lithium battery
Warranty :1-year, or 12 hours of use whichever occurs first
Daily :Battery, pads (presence and function), internal electronics, SHOCK/CONTINUE button, and software
Weekly :Battery, pads (presence and function), internal electronics, partial energy charge, SHOCK/CONTINUE button, and software
Monthly :Battery, pads (presence and function), internal electronics, full energy charge cycle, SHOCK/CONTINUE button, and software
Type :Internal memory
Internal memory :60 minutes ECG data with event annotation, multiple rescue functionality
ECG playback :Viewable via Rescuelink® software via PC
Communications :Serial port or USB (via adapter) for PC with Windows
Clock synchronization :Rescue event time stamp of event data
Dimensions (H X D X W) :
(bukan untuk spesifikasi tender)
3.3 in x 12.4 in x 10.6 in (8 cm x 31 cm x 27 cm)
Weight :3.1 kg (6.6 lb)
Harga :Hubungi Kami

TAG Pencarian Terakhir :
jual alat kejut listrik, gambar alat kejut listrik untuk pacu jantung, harga alat pacu jantung, agen alat kejut listrik darurat, toko alat elektromedis pacu jantung, grosir alat pacu jantung darurat, spesifikasi aed g3 pro, dimensi aed power heart cardiac science, spek alat pacu g3 pro, distributor alat pacu jantung murah, toko yang jual alat pacu jantung darurat di jakarta