Jual Kursi Roda Bekas Khusus untuk Cerebral Palsy (Kursi Roda Anak CP) Import USA Seri Deluxe
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Merk : QUICKIE Wheelchair
Tipe : Quickie IRIS Tilt - Heavy Duty Frame
Kode : Quickie EIZ4-2
Negara Asal : USA - Mexico
Aksesoris : Jok busa Jay J2 Cushion
Kondisi : Bekas
Harga : Kursi Roda Ini Telah Kami Sumbangkan.
Sekedar perbandingan dengan Harga barunya :
- Kursi roda = $ 1.999 + $395 (penambahan heavy duty frame)
- Aksesoris jok busa Jay J2 Cushion = $298
- Aksesoris Jay 2 Deep Contour Back (sanderan) = $357
TOTAL = $ 3049 (sekitar Rp. 27.441.000,-) -> itu juga belum termasuk ongkos kirim kalau beli dari USA langsung.
Detail harga baru bisa dilihat di : http://www.quickie-wheelchairs.com/products/New-Quickie-IRIS-Tilt-Wheelchair-12693.html
Sceen shoot perbandingan dengan yang baru :
- Rotational tilt-system
- Built-In Adjustability
- Low seat-to-floor heights
- Tilt options -5° to 50°, 0° to 55°, and 5° to 60°
- Heavy Duty Frame
- Jay J2 Cushion
- Jay 2 Contour Back
- Petunjuk penggunaan bisa didownload di : Manual Book
![]() | Rotation-In-Space The Quickie IRIS utilizes a rotational tilt-system. Instead of tilting the seat frame from an outside pivot-point the Quickie IRIS actually rotates the seat frame around the users center-of-gravity. This rotational system provides the shortest possible wheelbase without compromising stability. It also insures a smooth and controlled rotation. |
![]() | The 60 Tilt Advantage The Quickie IRIS features three tilt ranges: -5 to 50 , 0 to 55 , and 5 to 60 . As the seat frame rotates past 45 , a significant amount of pressure transfers from the seat to the back. By providing up to 60 of tilt, the Quickie IRIS insures that the majority of pressure is removed from the ischial tuberosities. |
![]() | Built-In Adjustability The Quickie IRIS has extensive built-in adjustability. The chair frame can literally expand from 14" -22" in width and 15" - 22" in depth changing only four small parts. This vast range of built-in adjustability provides a precise center-of-gravity adjustment without replacing large frame-assemblies. |
![]() | Low Seat-To-Floor Height The new Zippie Iris features a 13 in. front seat-to-floor height. Using a drop seat, this distance can be lowered to as low as 11 in. seat-to-floor height. |
Overall Weight: | Approx. 35 lbs. w/o footrests |
Seat Widths: | 14 in. - 22 in. seat width |
Seat Length/Depths: | 15 in. - 22 in. seat depth |
Seat Heights: | 14.50 in. - 19.25 in. seat-to-floor height |
Overall Width: | 22 in. - 33 in. |
Caster Options: | 5 X 1.5 in., 6 in., 6 X 1.5 in., 8 in., 8 X 1.5 in., 8 X 2 in. |
Rear Wheel Options: | 12 in., 16 in., 20 in., 22 in., 24 in. |
Weight Capacity: | 250lbs (350 w/ Heavy Duty Frame Option) |
Seating: | Cushion Required |
Backrest: | Backrest Required |
Headrest: | Headrest Requiredhttp://www.quickie-wheelchairs.com/fs/o/images/products/additional_info/documents/QKEEIZ4OWNERSMANUAL.pdf |